Survey on seniors’ digital safety

Surveyour feedback will help make the internet safer for seniors!
We invite all individuals aged 55+ to complete an anonymous survey about how safe you feel online. Your responses will help us assess the effectiveness of our Cyber Safe Senior project in raising awareness about online scams and dangers, and improving digital safety for older adults, as it will help us better understand how seniors feel online.
Why participate?
Your contribution will directly help shape our educational program, making it even more effective in protecting seniors from online threats and dangers.
Complete the survey now!
Your responses are key to improving digital safety for seniors.The survey is short – it will only take a few minutes to complete.
Link to survey:–ff1KIjw01A/viewform?pli=1&fbclid=IwY2xjawHnbUtleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHWJTi3SKh0U1x5ub5-p_gIdfTWIeY2tjhK5sU5Blz2Tc4dij8d8FPvS3nA_aem_THZxNfc_53qIz3HWjBjFKw
Together, we can make the internet safer for seniors! Thank you!

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