Online threats – ways for protection

You can avoid serious consequences by using the following methods to protect yourself from email attacks. 1) Be careful when opening e-mails:…

Online threats – consequences

The consequences of attacks on email inboxes are very serious. Hackers can gain access to confidential information, correspondence, login credentials, credit card…

Online threats – e-mail spoofing

E-MIAL SPOOFING is a technique in which fraudsters alter the headers of emails to make them appear to have been sent from…

Online threats – phishing

PHISHING is a common method in which scammers send fake emails that look like they come from trusted sources (e.g. banks, government…

Online threats

In the digital age, technology brings many benefits, but it also poses new threats. One of the more serious problems is email…

Project work

Exciting News! Our project is in full swing, and all our partners are working on an e-book titled Security In The Digital…

Introducing the partner from Turkey

Meet our esteemed partner: İlk Sen Ol Gençlik ! The mission of our partner is rooted in human rights and democratic values!…

Introducing the partner from Greece

Meet our esteemed partner: IED-The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development! The mission of our partner is to foster innovation and transformation! Founded in…