E-book, videos, quizes
First Results of Our Project Now Available – Proud of Our New Educational Materials!
We are thrilled to present the first results of our project, which include unique educational materials designed to improve cyber safety for seniors.
The e-book, created through our collective knowledge and effort
, features 25 stories about seniors’ online lives, 5 dynamic videos
, and 5 interactive quizzes
. It will help you understand online cyber threats and how to protect yourself from them.
The material is written in simple and accessible language, available in English and the national languages of our partners.
The e-book, Security in the Digital World: Practical Solutions for Seniors with Analysis of Cybercrime Case Studies, along with links to videos and quizzes in English, is available here: https://www.cybersafesenior.eu/educational-materials/
Download the e-book, watch the videos, and test your knowledge through the quizzes – improve your online safety!