Project work

Exciting News! Our project is in full swing, and all our partners are working on an e-book titled Security In The Digital World. This valuable resource will feature 25 case studies focused on cybersecurity for seniors. We believe these illustrative…

Introducing the partner from Greece

Meet our esteemed partner: IED-The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development! The mission of our partner is to foster innovation and transformation! Founded in 2005, iED has achieved remarkable accomplishments and is dedicated to creating a world where innovation and entrepreneurship thrive.…

Introducing the project coordinator

Meet our esteemed lead-partner: Instytut Nowych Technologii! The mission of our lead-partner is to foster , new technologies and innovations! ! With members from business, media, and academia, INT excels in fostering partnerships with economic institutions, specialized organizations, and enterprises.…

Project start

Wohoo!!!! We are proud and happy to inform you that we have started work on European Erasmus+ project CYBER SAFE SENIOR, in which we have joined forces: Stowarzyszenie Instytut Nowy Technologii (Poland), Institute Of Entrepreneurship Development – iED, (Greece), İlk…