Cyber Safe Senior

By providing training for trainers and seniors, developing educational materials, and conducting awareness campaigns, we aim to reduce digital exclusion among the elderly.

Learn about the project’s goals

The goal of the project is to increase seniors’ awareness of online safety and develop their digital skills in applying safe rules and tools on the Internet. This will be achieved through the creation of an e-book with case studies of Internet crimes, and conducting virtual lessons and pilot trainings. The project will also prepare trainers to teach courses to seniors on the subject, providing them with a new training program and new competencies. The long-term goal is to reduce the digital exclusion of seniors by increasing their IT competence.

Who do we address?

The main target group of our project will be senior citizens, but indirectly trainers and educators, as well as educational institutions, will participate in the project.
Seniors over the age of 65
Adult educators and trainers
Educational institutions providing education for seniors

What will we implement?

We will organize a series of activities that will directly and indirectly increase the digital competence of the elderly.
Develop educational materials for seniors on safety in the virtual world
Conduct an international training course for adult trainers in Slovenia on educating seniors about online safety
4 pilot cyber security training courses with 100 seniors
Awareness campaign on cyber security for seniors for 300 people

What will be the results?

Check out what results are expected after implementing the activities!
Educational materials aimed at seniors on safety in the virtual world (case studies, virtual lessons)
Training program for adult educators on how to teach seniors about online safety
Train 25 educators on cyber security during international training course
Train 100 seniors on safety rules in the virtual world during pilot training sessions
300 participants in information days
Website with e-learning platform and FB profile of the project

Check out our free educational materials!